
yeeeeeah boyyyeee

hello fair world.

now by fair, i mean pleasant, beautiful. because i surely could not mean fair as in balanced. nawww.
how many times have you heard it, "life isn't fair"...

ugggh, i've heard it ad nauseaum...

now i accept and understand it tho. life is not fair. but i'd always think, what if i, and you, therefore WE, strived to make it "fair". of course what's "fair" is a subjective issue, but still, just think what it'd be like if we reeaallly treated ppl the way we'd like them to treat us...alll the time.

lol. random yes, but just on my mind.

welcome to t::m::C. that stands for tOO mUCH CARLIN. :)
you know how ppl say TMI, too much information. well the name of my blog is along those lines. if you chose to continue reading, you will find that i am very open. to the point where many think that i am giving out too much information. but that';s ok. to each his own right?

well, my own, is that i am finally becoming comfortable in my owwwwn skin :)

i am not and NEVER will be perfect.

but i am just realizing that neither will any other person on this earth, or that's been on this or earth or will ever be on this earth.

only God is perfect. when i finally ACCEPTed that simple fact a few months ago, my life changed, because i stopped thinking i could be perfect. i accepted that until i leave this earth i will make mistakes, i will fail, i will disappoint ppl....but that will not stop my progress.

you'll hear many more stories from me that will illuminate these points, but suffice it to say God's love is what enables me to show my highs and lows, unashamedly, to YOU. whoever YOU may be :)

because we all make mistakes. we all falter, to some extent...big and/or small.

but we can't let those issues limit us.

i almost limited myself.

i almost convinced myself i was worthless and should just run away and hide for the rest of my life.

but then a very good friend, who happens to be my everything, He whispered to me that i could be healed too.


so here i am. lol, i guess i can consider the rest of my life rehab...getting my soul back to being white as snow right...before the garden of eden "incident". thankfully this thing called life is free and not the expensive kind of rehab that celebs frequent. it's totally free, cause our Pops already paid for it...

so imma keep getting mo betta...everyday. i'll falter, i'll fall short, everyyyday, like a shaq free throw most of the times, esp before miami, lol....but i'll keep on going. i won't be stopped. they may take my body, but none of you will ever have my soul. my soul is already en route to it's destination, you, ups, fedex, ips (doug from koq, lol) or the national guard cannot stop my path.

go ahead...try ;)

it wont happen cap'n

now if you'd like to watch this journey, then be my guest.

i'll post when i feel like it, i'll say what i feel like sharing, i'll show what i feel like showing.

don't worry, i dont think it's carlin against the world. ive been blessed with an Inner Circle that knows and loves me and will always have my back. and after that ive been blessed with friends and acquaintances whose opinions i put sommme stock in, so i will take critiscm, and grow from it.

ok. that's it for now. im about to start selling myself :)

lol, CALMMM DOWN, i dont mean prostitution etc, lol, i just read somewhere, and i apologize for forgetting who's page this was on, but it said "sell yourself, not your soul" if this is from your page pls take credit in the comments/email me and i';ll give credit where credit is due

yal may laugh at the stories i put up, but pls believe, i am having the last laugh.

so, by selling myself, i meant it figuratively, and that im bout to go put in some publicity work on facebook, twitter, and beyyyyond...hmm, maybe even myspace again...uggh, lol, we'll see.

i'll sell myself, cause money helps keep the bills paid, but I"LL NEVER SELL MY SOUL. (cause it's already been soooouuulllddd...to the Lord :)

love all yal, and i mean that, even you hater. couldn't do it without ya.

p.s. do you believe in magic?? cause i do. lol. let's go d howard. and pls comment before emailing...so we can all discuss...click where it says "from yal" to comment.



  1. it's very easy to comment...dont be scurrred.

  2. Gratz on getting everything up and running. (Blogspot is pretty easy to manage, speaking of which i should update more.)Looks like your about to be the N.O. real life Oprah or something. lol gl sis
