
how much is that doggggie in the window??

ugggh. ok. we're not gonna get into numbers, but i thot of that little song when thinking of my puppy just now.

she'll get a longer post eventually, but i thot a nice little "short" one was in order.

i love my little doggy. had her only since may 16, 2009 (and trust me that was a daaay to remember, lol).

she is almost 4 mos, and she is tiny!!

FYI i am/never was a small dog person. grew up with dobermann's, RIP STEELY, Blue Girl, etc.

top 3 dog breeds: dobes, rotts, boxers. (chea)

why do i now own a teacup (oxymoron) chihuaha??

bc she's got spunk, just like me. if you've ever met her, then you know. if not, well, just take my word for it.

she won my heart in the pet store, right after i'd just said "ewww, chihauhas...where are your big dogs?" she was in there scrapping with the boys, and when they told me it was a little girl...well, that was all SHE wrote.

so, introducing little ms. big shot:
Black and Beautiful aka BB aka Blak and Blue aka Midnight Fierce aka Renegaaaade aka etc etc etc (jip did i forget any main ones?)

lol. she is my sweetheart. im not totally odd, but having her as my responsibility has changed my outlook significantly, and helped me understand my parents a tad bit more. NOW I KNW HAVING A REAL LIVE HUMAN KID will really help w the parent thing, but in a way, i'm all she;s got.

love ya BB. she's a handful, in more ways than one :) and also a Godsend, in my opinion


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