
bout to hit the road but...

just wanted to say this.

ive said it before.

before YOU start giving me advice annnd/or Orders...pls just look at yourself first.

i've also said that i welcome advice and constructive critiscm (sp).

but it really gets under my skin when ppl telllllll me what i havvvve to do.

it's an old saying, but the only thing i havvve to do is stay black and die. (and jacko may have eclipsed one of those), so really all i gotta do is LIVE...until i die.

so until one of YOU can show me your certified EXPERT AT LIFE BADGE...pls take a chill pill.

if you hear me say or see me bout to jump off a bridge or try cocaine then YES, BY ALL MEANS, pls step in and make me stop.

but when it comes to who i talk to, how much, how often etc etc etc, i got it. you can give me your two cents, but it's just that...two cents.

i'm really not tryna be disrespectful at all. but this goes out to young and old. many many manyyyy of you out there do NOT know the full story of many of the things yal speak on, and yes, particularly the ish with quay. but when YOU littterally almost took your child's fathers LIFE...well in my opinion, i'll handle myyy situation, cause i think we're talking apples and oranges.:::when YOU have a baby's father that lives with you, cheats on YOU, disrespects YOU, and doesnt help with your child, again, I'll take MYYY situation over yours, and over YOUR advice.::::when you are approaching the half a century mark (that means almost 50 years old) and you stilll wont let go of a love lost over 30 years back....well, i'll handle myyyy situation.:::::when you can't keep friends, i mean gotta make new friends every YEAR, again, i'll handle MYYYY situation.

too many damn chiefs, not enough indians.

i'm good.

i'm the chief of my life. i love all yal, yes you toooo hater, but i wont let my love for yal trump my love for myself.

i dont think i know everything, but like YOU, imma have to make some mistakes on my own. and as i already have, i'll take the responsibility of the outcome, i promise.

whew. once again just had to vent. and i dont think i even used any curse words...i'll go back and check, lol. but when i was thinking of this post on the drive over, pls believe it involved multiple MF's and at least sugarhoneyicedtea. but woo sahhhs are helping, a bit. and my anger subsided, a bit. but this blog is doing just what i intended, helping me channel my energy into something more positive than GOINNGGGG OFFFFFFFFFFF on some of YAL. lol. for real tho. and i know some of you still haaaate the fact that i have this blog and am so public with my life, but pls believe me when i sincerely say, i needed this, and i thank the Lord for this outlet. musicians write music, authors write novels, pastors preach, teachers teach...lol. i blog... for now at least.

love yal. say a prayer for traveling grace pls, hitting the road back to VA, then HOME SWEEEEEEEEEEET HOME New Orleans in a week!!!!!!!!!

there will definitely be some posts about the N.O....for sure.

again, love yal, even YOU.


p.s. real recognizes real too...remember that before you get all high faluting on someone else...

p.p.s. where it says YOU, pls believe i could have inserted YALL"S names, but again, i am learning discretion...lol..(YOU're welcome!)

1 comment:

  1. it is sad hearing the ones coaching from the outside. Can't say im totally innocent of that, lol (with others). i'm sure you are aware of their intentions (i'll assume they are good), but just remember it is natural for people to be like that. no matter how many issues another has, yours are more interesting. lol that prolly why more ppl that you know read your blog. btw, only 1.5 cursewords (ish, damn) good job lol ;-)
